Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How moderate Austrian parties can start making FPO loose votes

Austrian moderates parties had demontrate they can not stop FPO but this is not all because

Austria have dozens of some others  grave problems FPOand others opposite parties  did not talk about them because they do know kow about them and how they are affecting peoples live and Austria economy

Given that some of them are so grave that they can make Austrain citizens to revolte ,if FPO will present such problems the government will be forced to resign  Given the gravity of the situation and a fact that strategisc investors are leaving the country and people are losing their jobs

Moderates parties

  must take specific actions in order to help the country  to escape from a disaster For this purpose they can do   the following things

As Austrian moderates parties   know that FPO  have no solution to solve what they have been talking about moderates parties can use  an inteligent strategy to make them loose credibility
For this purpose they can

consider that   FPO had put a diagnosis and identify serious problems which are affecting Europe Union and Austria  they can tanks them  for the jobs they had done and consider that they are creating a  usefull political competition which will help  UK democracy and will be for the benefit of the people because like this others majors parties  will work hard to find solutions to solve Austria  citizens problems but this is not all because the neew Bruxelles admnistrations will be forced to make radical changes

In this conteste moderats parties  can  agree that Europe Union had different stupid rules ,ideas, projects which must be changed but in order to force those changes it must exist strong voices as FPO

By this ocasion Modertes  Parties    in order to help  FPO  in his  mission he will present them a   list of different other problems which are affecting Europe Union , people lives and economies Using this strategy Austrian  citizens will realise that EU  problems are bigger than they knew up to know

Why moderate parties  can   use this strategy ?

If Austrian  citizens will realize that problems are biger than what they knew when Moderates  Party will bring  solutions to solve them they will achieve more political goals

Because of this after  Moderates  Parties   will present FPO  a big list of European Unions  problems they can tell   them

 "" Okey we have a big list of grave problems which are affecting  Austria now lets find solutios to solve them

Giving that for every problem  we  have  got genuine solutions which had been found  by a group of international researchers ,after a certain time moderate parties can   lauch a compaign inviting FPO  to  bring solutions to solve them  ,informing people that they are   asking FPO  to bring solutions to solve problems

Using this strategy FPO  will be under pressure
Mean while MP can continue with a campaign saying people that FPO  are not bringing solutions ...

After this MP  will start presenting genuine  solutions for every separated problems

3) How to assure 100% transparency and possibility  ZERO for corruption
4) How to get high profit without consuming resources and create pollution
5) How EU  banks can get more than 7 millions new clients in less than 7 months
6)) How EU can get billions euro and create jobs taking benefit from his multicultural advantages  ""

1) How to create more than 7 millions jobs in less than 7 months

7) How to get 25% profit in 75 days jobs and have better live

For exemple


One of the projects will generate a link as ""How EU can get billions euro and create  millions jobs taking benefit from immigration trends ""For the first time in history worl wild people and not just Austrian citizens will see how countries can use immigrations trends and create millions of well paids jobs 

For that moment any extremist ,popolist and xenophobe party which have used immigrations and jobs as thier majors political themes will die 


This example of situation  it will be about a project which can be implemented from June up to October because of the following situation Up to 15 July the only political theme which can have impact is about things related with Universities ,How to choice a carrer  in such a way even during the studying perio you can get a well payed part time job

Given that up to july a big part of people will be interested in what will happen with Brasilian world cup but a big part of pupils students ,their mother and grand mother will be worried  to choice a faculty ,city or country to study etc moderats parties can use special themes we will present here in this document but

Beford we start presenting this example we have to tell you that ale those examples ,have been created as a result of an international research project made by an international group of researchers leaded by mr Alberto Rodrigues

All those examples and some other projects are part of a political marketing concept  and it had been registered by mr Alberto Rodrigues and the group of international researchers Because of  this nobody can have righ to use them , and even  parts of them

After this usefull information we will continue presenting two cases and  a demontration of  the following thing  If students and Austrian citizens will learn what they have to do to help companies
a) To increase sales with more than 25% using just different advantages which have link with digital  science and economy ,
b) Identify economic fields and economic model business where money invested monday can start bringing high profit in friday
c) Present to Austrian investors and companies businesses opportunities which can bring more than 25% in less than 75 days

companies which will employe Austrian citizens ,will get high profit in very shot time and afford to pay them a very high salary
For  for example if  just 2-3 Austrian employes  will help a company to get more than 70 000 profites per month than  as a positive consequence of this they will pay the two Austrian employes very high salaries and they will never fire them and  emloye 5-7 foreign employes , just because they can receive low salaries

Giving that 100% of Austrian and world wild citizens will agree that this is very positive way to motivate pupils students to get good education and then help companie the country and his economy ,and in the same time it will descouraje immigrations

 moderate parties can use this example and  launch a campaig to inform Austrian citizens about this positive  solutions to solve immigrations problems

By this ocassion after a short time when ,entrepreneurs ,academic society ,professionals ,pupils ,students ,their parents ,grand parents ,families and relatives will understand very well this example them moderat parties will launch another informations campain and present  an opposite example as

Austrian pupils and students will not be motivate to have a god ,their parents will let them start to be involved in drog alchol ,at school they will not learn what companies need to achieve their goals ,and as a negative consequence of this they will not know what to do to help companies increases sales have hgh profit ,but despite of this extremist parties ,will say that companies must close the borders for those we can know what to do to help companies to achieve their goals and employe Austrian citizens who will not know those things

IN such situation extremist parties instead to motivate people to have better education they will ask for measures to close the door for immigrants who can know what companies needs ,and this way companies will pay them salaries just because they are Austrian citizens and not because they know what they have to do to help companies and Austrian economies

In order to make people understand those two situation moderates partie will launch a very special campaign in elementary ,grammar scholl ,universities

By this ocassion  a part of some other thing  we will present them  in a  very clear  mode those situations and them in order to make millions of entrepreneurs ,professionals ,pupils ,students their parents ,grand parents to know about those things

,we will make a vote system Giving that pupils students in order to get enough votes they will ask their parents to help them ,and in the evening they will send links and ask their coleeges and friends to vote them ,in a very short time those informations moderates parties will like to reach a large number of people will arrive in millions of computers

 In the end of the voting process we will say

This is what extremist parties want to be but as you can see pupils ,students ,their parents , grand parents and entrepreneurs do not want things to be like that

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